I am on Day 25 of the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I will say it has been a little easier than I thought it would be. But it is still hard. It is ridiculously hard to go and open my fridge and not be able to open a bottle. However, I have learned that if I really want to torture myself, then I need to give up Diet Coke. Diet Coke has been my crutch to deal with cutting the alcohol completely out of my life.
For about 2-3 weeks I have been dealing with this terrible abdominal pain.
Recently I had ultrasounds and other tests. My doctor then sends me a letter describing the cyst on my ovary they saw on the ultrasounds, but tells me not to worry and come back in 2 months. Needless to say, I have an appt for monday, and I am in the process of finding a new primary doctor. I have found a new OBGYN. But I have not found a PCP yet. I am just really really tired of driving as far as I do to get the total run around from this practice.
I am hoping that the new practice will get this stupid thing out of me even f it means surgery.